This site is dedicated to the everlasting memory of our dear daughter β€’ Kerry Ann Hyland πŸ’œ

Remembered With Much Love... πŸ’œ

Kerry Ann Hyland was born in the UK on 23rd January 1990. She is very much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.
Kerry Ann died suddenly and unexpectedly at home on 1st March 2014. Our whole world changed forever that terrible day...
We are lost without her special love, her special brave smile that lit up her face, even through silent pain...  She taught us the true meaning of courage, she was an inspiration. Even through the most difficult times our lives were filled with much love and laughter.
We are so very proud of all that she managed to achieve despite the many difficulties she faced throughout her short life. We were truly blessed to have shared our lives with such a sweet, gentle, happy little lady.
She left a most precious gift; beautiful memories we will treasure forever... πŸ’œ

Rest peacefully dear Kerry Annie ... may you have the sweetest of dreams...
You are so dearly loved and so sadly missed. Deep in our hearts you will always stay, loved and remembered every day.
You are our angel, our sunshine, our shining star... and our love will find you wherever you are... πŸ’œ

Dear Kerry Annie...
That special smile, your special face
In our hearts, a special place
Memories, a gift we treasure
Ours of you will last forever... πŸ’œ

Kerry Ann - Without You
Our whole world changed forever ... the day you passed away
We are lost without our special girl ... we miss you more each day
Your resting place we visit ... we place flowers there with care
But no one knows our heartache when we turn to leave you there
May the winds of love blow gently and whisper so you'll hear
We will always love and miss you and forever hold you dear... xx

Rest in heavenly peace sweet angel... πŸ’œ


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